PDPF: Adult Protective Services Investment (APSW)

To make a referral and to find out if you are eligible for this funded support, please contact the Developmental Service Ontario – Eastern Region (DSO-ER) office at dsohousing@dsoer.ca or 1-855-376-3737.

ABLE2 is offering APSW support for individuals with a development disability who would like to move to a home of their own. Thinking of moving to a place of one’s own can be overwhelming and it may be difficult to know where to start or what to do next. Working with a Planning Facilitator to create a person-centered plan can be helpful to:

  • Address common barriers (ex. Financial)
  • Improve knowledge about housing options.
  • Be informed about services and supports available.
  • Access resources to find and retain housing, with appropriate supports.
  • Be more independent in community.
  • Feel more integrated and included in community.

This program is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and is available for people who:

Planning Facilitators can support someone who is looking to move by offering person-centered support to:

  • Develop an individualized support plan (ISP) that reflects the person’s goals, desires, strengths and needs, as they relate to housing and supports when living in their own home.
  • Create a personal housing plan that includes a vision of where the person would like to live and what their home would look like.
  • Implement the housing plan, by accessing and maintaining generic community supports, applying for government funded services and supports and to help the person to live safely and securely.
  • Provide information and referrals, coordinate community resources and liaise with service providers.
  • Overcome barriers, problem-solve, and assist to develop life skills (such as personal budgeting and use of transportation), general education and awareness-building on abuse prevention, and help resolving landlord/tenant

People work with a Planning Facilitator on a voluntary basis and agree to meet at mutually agreeable places and times. Meetings are usually held either virtually or in person, at the person’s home or in community. Meetings may include the people the individual would like to involve (spouses/partners, family members, friends, etc.), as desired.

This support, offered in both official languages, is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, and is available until March 31, 2025.

For more information about APSW support with ABLE2, contact pdpf@able2.org or call 613-761-9522.

To make a referral and to find out if you are eligible for this funded support, please contact the Developmental Service Ontario – Eastern Region (DSO-ER) office at dsohousing@dsoer.ca or 1-855-376-3737.


What is APSW?

Adult Protective Services Worker: In some communities or organizations, Adult Protective Service Workers (APSW) have different titles, such as Service Coordinator or Adult Support Worker. At ABLE2, they are called Planning Facilitators.

What is person-centered planning (PCP)?

It is a planning process that is directed by the person who wants support. It helps people to select and organize services and supports that may be needed to live the life they want.

What about if I’m not sure I’m ready to move / How do I know if I’m ready to move?

We will help you to identify your needs and wants. This plan (called an Individual Service Plan – ISP) will help you to figure out if and when you feel ready. You are in control of when everything happens with the plan (i.e., when the steps of the plan are implemented).

What if I want to move in a few years from now?

We can still help you to figure out your goals and set up a plan.

How do I find a place to live?

Your family, friends, if applicable, and Planning Facilitator can support you with
finding your own home.

But I will never afford a place of my own – what can a Planning Facilitator do?

Planning Facilitators don’t have all the solutions, but will help you explore the options, see what the barriers and possibilities are, so you feel ready to move when the opportunity or need arises.

Who are the Planning Facilitators?

Planning Facilitators are part of ABLE2’s Person-Directed Planning Program. For more information, please see the PDPF program webpage.

View the ABLE2 APSW Investment Flyer